We All Need Some Help

We All Need Some Help
Have you ever started your parenting journey with an idea of how you would raise your children, the wonderful things you would teach them, and how your children would behave? When I first started teaching, this was exactly my thoughts for my classroom and the kids in it, but I quickly realized that it was a team effort between the kids and myself on how we journey through the year. 

That’s because every child is different and the one we’ve imagined in our heads might be very different from the one that’s in front of us. Each child has their own unique personality and ideas about their life, so no matter how many great parenting ideas we have, each child will respond differently. 

Raising happy and resilient kids can sometimes be hard, but the good news is that you’re not alone! As Child Development Expert and Self Love Coach, I help you transform your parenting challenges into strategies that bring harmony and growth between yourselves and your children.